As a Community member, you will be asked to sign the following agreement between you and Lee Abbey London. This Community Member (volunteer) Job Role and agreement tells you what you can expect from Lee Abbey London and what the organisation expects from you. For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement is binding in honour only. It is not intended to be a legally binding contract and it is not intended to create an employer-employee relationship.
Download the agreement as a PDF or read it below.
As a voluntary community member you will not receive any remuneration, benefits or other allowances in respect of your charity work with Lee Abbey London, other than board and lodging and an allowance of £47.50 per week for subsistence purposes only.
Your role as a Community member (volunteer) at Lee Abbey London begins on _______________ and is expected to end on _____________________.
Lee Abbey London takes the safety of everyone within our building and charity very seriously and as an acknowledged Church of England Community, expects that everyone will work within Lee Abbey London and the Church of England’s safeguarding policies. In particular, Lee Abbey London expects anyone who becomes aware of a safeguarding risk or of actual abuse, to immediately report it.
While Lee Abbey London does not provide any regulated activities for children or vulnerable adults, and your role at Lee Abbey London does not include support work with children or vulnerable adults, we expect all community members to have a commitment to:
Your role as a Community Member involves being a voluntary residential member of the Christian Community at Lee Abbey London and engaging in fieldwork in support of Lee Abbey London’s charitable aims of promoting the Christian faith and providing hospitality and support to international students:
We provide a supportive, inclusive and positive environment that ensures you enjoy your volunteering and that you are treated with respect and courtesy and provided with training. Voluntary community members are an important and valued part of Lee Abbey London. We appreciate your volunteering with us and we will do all we can to make your Lee Abbey London experience an enjoyable and rewarding one.
The organisation will provide you with a thorough induction to its work values and charitable aims, and provide any relevant training required to help you meet the responsibilities of your community member ole. This includes provision of Bible and discipleship training through the Lee Abbey London School of Ministry which is designed to help you grow in your Christian faith and equip you for participation in Lee Abbey London’s outreach.
The supervision and the support provided to you is designed to:
To provide you with adequate training in support of the organisation’s health and safety policy.
To provide adequate insurance cover for you while undertaking charity work that is approved and authorised by us.
All Community members are supported in accordance with the organisation’s diversity and equal opportunities policy, a copy of which is provided to you.
If you have any concerns or issues during the course of your work with us, the leadership team will seek to resolve these. You should initially raise such concerns with your team leader, HR manager or designated safeguarding person.
You agree to:
You acknowledge receipt of this agreement and agree to participate fully in Lee Abbey London’s work and ministry to international students and to comply with all the organisation’s operating procedures and the standards required of you during the course of carrying out your work with us.
You also agree to maintain the confidentiality of all Lee Abbey London’s information, and that of its guests, both during and after the termination of your voluntary community member role.
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